Departure Point Parking - REMINDER

Dear Members and Friends,

As previously shared in your first Welcome Letter, please remember there will be a small fee to park at some Departure Points. This is a fee required by the parking facility or property owners, not Diner en Blanc. Not unlike attending any other entertainment event in the city – free parking is difficult to find.  

Consider these ways of getting to/from your Departure Point: 
• Carpool with friends 
• Use a rideshare service such as Uber or Lyft. These also can be used on your return home from the secret location. 

We’re excited to be with you tomorrow! 
Dîner en Blanc - Atlanta Team

Atlanta | 2024 Participation Information

21 August 2024

For the 2024 Edition of Le Diner en Blanc – Atlanta 

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Introducing Our New Logo & Website

25 April 2024

You’re here! Have you had a chance to browse this beautiful new website yet? Take a tour and get even more excited about the coming season!

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A Look Back on 2023!

08 March 2024

With the 2024 Diner en Blanc Event Season ramping up, we wanted to share some of the highlights from 2023.

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Recap of Le Diner en Blanc Atlanta 2023

16 October 2023
Upscale Magazine's fashion aficionado, Dr. Courtney A. Hammonds, shares his expert take on "a night of pure elegance."
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